Early Today : KNTV : April 3, 2023 3:30am-4:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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anticipation is growing this morning ahead of former president trump's arrival in new york today he is set to be arraigned

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tomorrow after that historic indictment last week and now security is ramping up as authorities brace for possible protests. we have a live report in moments. survivors of this weekend's devastating tornadoes across the south and midwest, returning to their homes to try and pick up the pieces at least 30 people killed, and officials are still trying to grasp the full extent of the damage senator john fetterman out of the hospital after seeking treatment for depression, and opening up about the challenges he's faced >> the whole thing about depression is that objectively, you may have won, but the depression can absolutely convince you that you actually lost >> we have more of his raw and emotional interview. and a new study says even moderate drinking like a glass of red wine doesn't have the health benefit once thought, and won't contribute to a longer life it's monday, april 3rd "early today" starts right now

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glad you're with us. i'm frances rivera. >> and i'm phillip mena. today's former president donald trump will make his way from florida to new york as he prepares to be arraigned on tuesday after becoming the first former president in u.s. history to face criminal charges for more on this, we go to nbc's brie jackson in washington brie, good morning how will this consequential week begin for the former president >> good morning, phillip as you alluded to, former president trump confirmed his travel plans for the first part of this week on truth social late sunday night. mr. trump said he'd be leaving mar-a-lago at noon today and head to trump tower in new york city he continued saying he will be appearing at a manhattan courthouse for his arraignment on tuesday morning, and added, "america was not supposed to be this way." in a separate statement, trump confirm head would be returning to mar-a-lago and deliver remarks from his palm beach resort this comes after a manhattan

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grand jury voted to indict former president trump in connection with a case involving a $130,000 hush money payment allegedly made by mr. trump in 2016 to the adult film star stormy daniels trump has denied any wrongdoing throughout the course of this investigation. the exact charges filed by the grand jury remain unknown as the indictment will remain under seal until mr. trump is formally arraigned on tuesday media outlets, including nbc news asked new york judge to immediately unseal the indictment and release the charges as well as allow camerases in the courtroom for tuesday's hearing. marshawn is set to oversee any subsequent trial no matter the nature of the charges, the trump legal team is determined to push back against them here's what trump's lawyer said on anyone on sunday morning. >> we will take the indictment we will dissect it

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the team will look at every, every potential issue that we will be able to challenge, and we will challenge. and of course i very much anticipate emotion to dismiss because there is no law that fits this. >> and despite these unprecedented developments over the last week, mr. trump is still finding a way to make money off of his legal troubles. trump officials tell axios that the former president was able to raise more than $5 million in the first 48 hours after news of his dime broke last thursday evening. they also say that more than 16,000 campaign volunteers signed up on his website in 24 hours. phillip? >> so far more attention and more money, two of his favorite things all right, brie, thank you as for president trump, makes his return to new york, law enforcement officials in the city are taking measures to ensure mr. trump's safety ahead of tuesday's arraignment nbc's george solis has more.

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>> reporter: tonight security in new york city is ramping up. less than 24 hours from now, mr. trump is expected to depart mar-a-lago, arriving at la guardia airport before his historic and unprecedented court appearance in lower manhattan on tuesday. mr. trump will spend the night at his trump tower apartment, already protected by secret service and an enhanced nypd detail along busy fifth avenue, barricades have been set up as far as the eye can see there is also growing prep here from around the globe mixed in with tourists flocking to the region the police presence here also only expected to grow in the coming hours a carefully coordinated security by the nypd, court officers, the marshal's service and the secret service. from the trump tower to the manhattan court about a four-mile drive. secret service motorcade expected to lead the way visible will be nearly 35,000 nypd officers ordered to be in uniform and ready for deployment starting at 7:00 a.m. tuesday. >> you see the preparations

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being laid out here for blocks around in terms of barriers, barrier trucks, and increased enforcement. that's only going to ratchet up in the days to come. >> reporter: come tuesday afternoon, the courthouse in lower manhattan expected to be the epicenter of this historic indictment the road is open now, but expect this area to be shut down and under heavy security once through the doors at 1 hogan place, the former president expected to head to the 15th floor where he will face the judge, just as any other defendant would. he is expected to be fingerprinted, but will not be handcuffed and at this point, it remains uncertain whether or not he will be getting a mug shot. after his hearing, mr. trump is expected to fly out of new york and return to mar-a-lago, capping off a moment as much momentous as it is pure spectacle >> this is something, obviously the whole world is going to be watching >> our thanks to george for that report the deadly storm system that moved across the country this weekend spawned dozens of deadly tornadoes from the midwest to the northeast.

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at least 30 people have died across seven states. president biden saying in a statement sunday that he was in touch with officials in the affected stit* and had directed his administration to help with the immediate needs and long-term rebuilding here is ememilie ikeda. >> stop, stop! there is debris coming down on you! >> reporter: tonight new images emerging of the furious funnels that tore across parts of the country. >> oh my god. >> reporter: kimberly shaw was looking out the window in little rock, arkansas when an ef-3 tornado suddenly engulfed the building 165-mile-per-hour winds lifting her off her feet she grabbed on to her husband just in time if your husband hadn't held on to you, what would have happened >> i would have been sucked out the door and would have been taken by the tornado he saved my life >> reporter: harrowing moments from a storm system that killed at least 30 people across seven states today president biden declaring a major disaster in arkansas in wynne, four people dead

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this high school a shell of what once was >> we were right here. >> reporter: saying now it's hard to even recognize the town. >> heartbroken this was such a cute little town it looks like a war zone right now. get in here! >> reporter: the same system that devastated the country's midsection powered eastward saturday, spawning rare tornadoes in new jersey and delaware debris blocking roadads. one persrson died, t the first tornado victim in delaware in 40 years. the fema administrator calling the magnitude of this monstrous band of storms historic. >> to see right where the tornado came through and you just see the path through the town. >> reporter: in mcnairy county, tennessee, nine people dead after buildings were reduced to rubble by a tornado that struck under the cover of night some of the most severe damage there in adamsville. >> the devastation is catastrophic in adamsville we lost lives, lost homes, lost very valuable possessions,

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things that cannot be replaced >> i am not leaving you. >> reporter: and in illinois, five remain in critical condition after a roof collapsed during a concert at the apollo theater. witnesses seen rushing to free those trapped below. the governor on the ground there as communities take on the towering task of rebuilding. >> our thanks to emilie for that update a prominent russian military blogger was killed in st. petersburg when a bomb went off in a cafe he was visiting. vladen tartarski was visiting but no one has claimed responsibility for the blast. >> reporter: an explosion tears through a cafe in st. petersburg more than two dozen people injured, but so far only one death. pro-russian blogger vladlen tatarsky russia's news agency claimed he

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was handed a figurine with a bomb hidden inside t tartarski is notorious for his bellicose rhetoric in favor of the war to his more than half a million followers on social media. "we will defeat everyone, we will kill everyone," he says in an event with putin. "we will rob everyone as necessary. tart tartarskihas also been critical of russia's handling of the war at times tensions between washington and moscow spike over the detention of evan gershkovich. antony blinken pressed for his russian counterpart for his relief and american basketball star brittney griner who was released in prison in a controversial prisoner swap posted a message of support on instagram. "our hearts are filled with great concern," she said "every american who is taken is ours to fight for, and every american returned is a win for us all." >> and our thanks to matt bradley for that report. the gop presidential lineup

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has a new contender. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson is now making a bid for the white house. he revealed his plans during an interview on abc news this week. a formal announcement is expected later this month. lately, hutchinson has been stepping up his criticism of former president trump, even saying mr. trump should drop out of the race. so far, a total of four people have made runs for president on the republican side. pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman is opening up about his mental health fetterman was released from walter reed memorial on friday after undergoing a six-week treatment for depression in an interview with cbs sunday morning, he talked about the downward spiral that began after being sworn into office. >> i had stopped leaving my bed. i stopped eating i was dropping weight. i stopped engaging some of the most things that i love in my life i never had any self-harm, but i

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was indifferent, though. if the doctor said gee, you have 18 months to live, i'd be like okay well, that's how things go >> fetterman plans to return to the senate when the chamber resumes on the 17th. we begin with some april showers this month nbc meteorologist michelle grossman has the latest for us hey, michelle, good morning. >> hey there, guys great to see you really busy start to the month of april once again, we're watching another powerful spring storm system it's going to bring blizzard-like conditions really gusty winds that's going to increase the fire danger, especially in the southwest. and watching the chance for severe weather later tomorrow. so look at the alert across the country. winter weather alert, 7 million people fire alerts, 11 million people will be impacted and wind alert, 39 million people we're watching the storm system moves across the country once again, developing over the rockies today. the western third of the country stays snowy. it stays windiment we're going

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see some rain in spots we're going to be measuring the snow feed. tomod 90s. 92 in san angelo 93 in san antonio and 89 in houston. all right, guys, we're looking at another storm system that is going to bring lots of impacts across the country that's coming up. >> that is important, especially after what we've been through. thank you, michelle. as twitter ramps up its white house subscription, the white house won't be shelling out for staffers to keep it. white house staff will have to personally pay the $8 twitter blue monthly fee to verify accounts twitter has stated that some official government organizations and positions will

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receive a free gray check mart coming up next, not loving it why the golden arches is temporarily closing its corporate offices. we're back in 60 seconds try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. just between us, you know what's better than m mopping? anythingng! at the e end of a lolong day,s the last t thing i wanant t. anythingng! well, i switchched to swifir wetjet, , and it's a awes. it's a an all-in-o-one, so it's ready y to go whenen . the cleaeaning solutution acty breaks dowown dirt andnd gr. and the e pad absorbrbs it deep insnside, soso it prevenents streaksksd haze betetter than m my old. plus, it's's safe to u use on all my y floors, eveven . soso it prevenents streaksksd haze betetter than m my old. swififfer wetjetet? so wortht. best. decision. . ever. love it, or your m money ba. "looook at this s skin, baby. she isis glowing.. she e is 1 of 1.1." with new olay hyaluronic bobody wash 95% of womomen had vivisibly-betttter skin.

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"m"my skin iss so mucuch more moioisturized" see ththe differenence with ol. leading to news, mcdonald's is temporarily closing its u.s. offices this week as it prepares to inform corporate employees about layoffs. that's according to "the wall street journal." according to that report, the fast food chain sent an internal emails last week to u.s. and some international employees asking them to work from home monday through wednesday so it can deliver its staffing decisions virtually. it's unclear how many employees will be let going during the company's restructuring. next time you are making cookies, you might want to think this before licking the spoon. the cdc is investigating after states rert a salmonella outbreak some of those who reported an illness ate raw cookie dough before getting sick. while the agency is trying to determine the type of affected

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flour, it's urging people not to eat raw dough and wash away surfaces ors utensils that may have come with it. the race in the florida keys, capped at 1500 participants each year draws competitors from 41 states raising money to go towards local schools and youth athletic programs a 15-year-old florida teen and a 28-year-old atlanta woman won the overall men's and women's decision on saturday during the race of the longest 42 bridges in the keys. now to richmond, kentucky where a trip to the local meyers store is not complete without a greeting from kitty shue we caught up with her to see why the community loves this 92-year-old greeter so much. >> i believe you're going to have a drink party >> yeah, we're going get wild. >> goodbye

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the sun is shining and it's warm flowers to wake up and put my feet on the floor so i can go in, have a good day. >> what do you get out of doing this >> enjoyment making people happy. >> kitty has been doing this for 13 years she says she hopes she can at least seven more what a ray of sunshine. >> i love it smile goes a listening way coming up next, the weather, whether you're talking one or none, the surprising alcohol study that will have you saying what the hell. and onone woman rereunited heher camera a after 13 yeyears. action s sleep supplplement.. to d daily digesestive suppop. to m more wellneness solutios evevery day. get more e with naturure's bou. ♪oh♪♪ ♪thenen you take e me by the ♪ ♪i i feel betteter again♪♪

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grab s some prunerers. let's prunune. ♪♪♪ i don't t feel my agage. why shouldld my skin?? with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. olay niacicinamide24 goeses 10 layersrs deep with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. into skin'n's surface.e. my skin is smooth and strtrong. and d try olay r retinol24 for radidiant skin, , overnight. dr. z! we l love your s skincare vivi. ththanks! mymy daughter r has sensititive. same. trtry using alall™ free e clr as part ofof your famimily's laundry roroutine. it t tackles impmpurities withouout leavingg irritatating resididue for r a clean that's s gentle on n skin. alall™ free e clear. the e number onene doctor recommenended brandd for sensititive skin..

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you may have heard the occasional glass of wine with dinner could be good for your health but new research from the university of victoria found there is probably not any real benefit to drinking alcohol, at least health-wise. they compiled results of over 100 studies and found people who

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drank small amounts did not have a lower mortality risk than nondrinkers. now three or more drinks a day, that does increase your risk of death. as long as you say two and below, it doesn't make you live any longer but it's the quality of life that 70s. >> all you have to do is wait a minute and another study will come out >> maybe by this weekend there will be. >> while we're waiting, let's have a drink, while we're waiting for that study to come out. when we rerntu, michelle has your week forecast ahead >> those l look good, , though >> uh-huhuh. and you'u're stilg how you rereally feel l ins. and you'u're stilg how you rereally feel l ins. it's n not your fafault. many peoeople still l expere dedepression s symptoms, it's n not your fafault. even on n an antidepepres. it's n not your fafault. but totogether witith your doct, there arare things y you ca, like adding rexulti. when a added to an anantidepressasant, rexuxulti was prproven to rere depressision symptomoms 62% morere than the anantidepressasant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti cacan cause seserios side e effects. so you can build on your progress.

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elelderly demementia patieies have incncreased so you can build on your progress. risk o of death oror str. so you can build on your progress. antideprpressants mamay incre susuicidal thohoughts and d acs so you can build on your progress. and worsenen depressioion in childreren and younung adu. reportrt fever, ststiff musc, and confnfusion whwhich can bebe life reportrt fever, ststiff musc, threatenining, or uncocontrod muscle movovements, reportrt fever, ststiff musc, which mamay be permamanent. reportrt fever, ststiff musc, incrcreased chololesterol; weigight gain; h high blood d ; reportrt fever, ststiff musc, lolow white blblood cells;; ununusual urgeges; dizzzziness on s standing; falls; seieizures; lolow white blblood cells;; ununusual urgeges; trououble swallolowing, oror sleepinesess may occuc. when depreression setsts you , keep movoving forwarard. ask yourur doctor ababout adding r rexulti when depreression setsts you , keep movoving forwarard. to youour antideprpressa. when depreression setsts you , keep movoving forwarard. when youou really neneed to sl. yoyou reach fofor thessa. really gooood stuff. zzzquil ulultra helpss you sleeeep better and longnger when you needed it most.. its s non-habit t forming and powerered by the m makers of n . dr. z! we l love your s skincare vivi. ththanks! mymy daughter r has sensititive. same. trtry using alall™ free e clr as part ofof your famimily's laundry roroutine. it t tackles impmpurities withouout leavingg irritatating resididue for r a clean that's s gentle on n skin. alall™ free e clear. the e number onene doctor recommenended brandd for sensititive skin..

3:53 am

man: i i'm nonot slowingg downwn anytime s soon. thatat's whwhy i take osteo bi-f-flex every y day. it's clinicalally shown thatat's whwhy i take osteo bi-f-flex every y day. toto improve j joint comfort inin 7 days, thatat's whwhy i take osteo bi-f-flex every y day. anand continueues to improve ovover time. thatat's whwhy i take osteo bi-f-flex every y day. kindnda like us.s. osteteo bi-flex.x. becacause i'm made to o move. kindnda like us.s. "looook at this s skin, baby. she isis glowing.. she e is 1 of 1.1." with new olay hyayaluronic bobody wash 95% of womomen had vivisibly-betttter skin. "m"my skin iss so mucuch more moioisturized" see ththe differenence with ol. inintroducing g astepro alall. now avavailable wiwithout a prescripiption. so mucuch more moioisturized" astepro isis the firstst and y 24-h-hour steroioid-free spr. whwhile flonasase takes hoho, astetepro startsts workining in 30 miminutes. soso you can [ spraray, spray ] ] astetepro and gogo. we know w you care.. [mususic plays]] but if this s is all toooo rel for yoyou and yourur loved on. ♪♪ but if this s is all toooo rel for yoyou and yourur loved on.

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makeke the call.l. becacause we carare too. ♪♪♪ home i instead. to us, it't's personalal. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. welcome back on this monday. another really busy week weather-wise we're looking at a powerful string system that is going to bring heavy snow, wind blizzard-like conditions in parts of the country by wednesday. this will move across the country. today, though, looking at heavy developing in the rockies. to the east, we're looking at showers from the great lakes, the ohio valley, into portions of new england

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also watching the chance for fires and storms throughout the northeast as we go throughout this afternoon wednesday is still really busy like blizzard conditions heavy rain in parts of anterior northeast and snow strong storms in portions of the south, into the lower mississippi valley, the tennessee valley and then friday the intermountain west, that northern plains. temperatures below freezing there and more portions of the south. back to you. >> thanks for the heads-up, michelle coming up next, a picture-peperfect ending onone woman reunitited with hehg lost mememories. so we e gave swiffffer a sho. if w we don't lolove it, we getet our moneyey back! so we e gave swiffffer a sho. spoiler r alert: lovove it! so we e gave swiffffer a sho. sweeeeper's heavavy dutyy cloths g grab dust a and har so we e gave swiffffer a sho. and d lock it awaway, bebetter than n my broom thatat can push h it around.d. itit even getsts into hard-t-to-clean grgrooves bebetter than n my broom thatat can push h it around.d. anand grout lilines! cool! bebetter than n my broom thatat can push h it around.d. and swswiffer dustster gets in alall those bebetter than n my broom thatat can push h it around.d. hard-t-to-reach-plplaces... bebetter than n my broom thatat can push h it around.d. trapping 3 3x more dust.t. heeh y yah. switchching to swiwiffer. totalllly worth itit. love it, o or your mononey . switchching to swiwiffer. totalllly worth itit.

3:56 am

reready to shihine fromom the insidide out? say “yes” t to nature's's boy advanced g gummies and jelly y beans. the numbmber one brarand for hahair, skin a and nail. with t two times m more biotn to bring o out more of your r inner beauauty. get more w with natuture's bou. when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, they fell l in love with the i irresistiblble sc. when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, ♪♪ ♪ when thehe murrays d discoved gain scecent beads,, huh, huh, , so did ththeir dog roroger. ♪ ♪ gagain scent b beads keep e even the ststinkiest stf smelelling freshsh. they say a picture is worth a thousand words one photography lover was left speechless after a lost camera was returned to her after 13 years with hundreds of memories

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still intact our kate snow has the snapshot on the incredible reunion. >> reporter: 35-year-old educator coral amayi loves the outdoors, and taking pictures of all her adventures so when she lost her digital camera down the rapids on a tubing trip in durango, colorado 13 years ago, she was heartbroken. what was on that camera that was so important to you? >> you know, pictures of my friend's baby that i met for the first time, pictures of the river trip was just so sad not to be able to see them again. devastated, yeah, definitely devastated. >> reporter: but then a few weeks ago, something amazing happened an avid angler named spencer greiner found coral's camera stuck in the sand along the banks of that very same river. what made you pick it up >> when i see trash, try to pick it up and take it away. >> reporter: this is what the camera looked like, completely corroded you could have just thrown it away you didn't >> i brought it home and decided to try to see if i could see

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what's on there. >> reporter: you literally pulled out the smartcard, right, and you put it on your computer? >> yeah. >> reporter: and what pops up? >> 170 some odd pictures i was shocked. >> reporter: each one a precious memory, including photos of a puppy, bachelorette party, and even a wedding so spencer posted on a durango, colorado facebook page, writing, "did you get married on june 12th, 2010 in the durango area if so, please contact me." >> i heard from the groom of the wedding in less than an hour. >> reporter: less than an hour >> yeah. >> reporter: friends who saw it contacted coral, who is now living in arizona. she says it's been life-changing. did you cry when you saw the pictures >> i cried the most when i saw the pictures of my dog i lost my dog. getting to see the pictures of her as a puppy really brought tears to my eyes getting to see my best friend's baby delilah at such a young age, that's actually opened the gate for us to connect again >> reporter: the snapshots

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treasured moments in time, and a chance to rekindle long lost friendships. >> i'm so grateful for spencer it's been fun to see how the connection, see how the photos all come together. it's been a fun wild ride together >> our thanks to kate for sharing that reunion it's one of my biggest fears of losing digitally all these memories and to get them back. >> there is nothing like finding an old shoe box with photos in there. you stop and look through it and reminisce. but you've seen them before. to get photos back that you hadn't ever seen and didn't think you would ever see again that's something extra special thanks for waking up with "early today. i'm phillip mena. >> i'm frances rivera. have a great monday. your

4:00 am

as former president trump is expected to arrive in new york ahead of hisai

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