Integral Calculator: Integrate with Wolfram|Alpha (2024)

Solve integrals with Wolfram|Alpha

More than just an online integral solver

Wolfram|Alpha is a great tool for calculating antiderivatives and definite integrals, double and triple integrals, and improper integrals. The Wolfram|Alpha Integral Calculator also shows plots, alternate forms and other relevant information to enhance your mathematical intuition.

Integral Calculator: Integrate with Wolfram|Alpha (1)

Learn more about:

  • Integrals

Tips for entering queries

Use Math Input above or enter your integral calculator queries using plain English. To avoid ambiguous queries, make sure to use parentheses where necessary. Here are some examples illustrating how to ask for an integral using plain English.

  • integrate x/(x-1)
  • integrate x sin(x^2)
  • integrate x sqrt(1-sqrt(x))
  • integrate x/(x+1)^3 from 0 to infinity
  • integrate 1/(cos(x)+2) from 0 to 2pi
  • integrate x^2 sin y dx dy, x=0 to 1, y=0 to pi
  • View more examples

Access instant learning tools

Get immediate feedback and guidance with step-by-step solutions for integrals and Wolfram Problem Generator

Integral Calculator: Integrate with Wolfram|Alpha (2)

Learn more about:

  • Step-by-step solutions
  • Wolfram Problem Generator

What are integrals?

Integration is an important tool in calculus that can give an antiderivative or represent area under a curve.

The indefinite integral of f x, denoted f xdx, is defined to be the antiderivative of f x. In other words, the derivative of f xdx is f x. Since the derivative of a constant is 0, indefinite integrals are defined only up to an arbitrary constant. For example,sinxdx = -cosx+constant, since the derivative of cosx + constant is sinx. The definite integral of f x from x = a to x = b, denoted baf xdx, is defined to be the signed area between f x and the x axis, from x = a to x = b.

Both types of integrals are tied together by the fundamental theorem of calculus. This states that if f x is continuous on a,b and Fx is its continuous indefinite integral, then baf xdx = Fb - Fa. This means π0sinxdx = -cosπ - -cos0 = 2. Sometimes an approximation to a definite integral is desired. A common way to do so is to place thin rectangles under the curve and add the signed areas together. Wolfram|Alpha can solve a broad range of integrals.

How Wolfram|Alpha calculates integrals

Wolfram|Alpha computes integrals differently than people. It calls Mathematica's Integrate function, which represents a huge amount of mathematical and computational research. Integrate does not do integrals the way people do. Instead, it uses powerful, general algorithms that often involve very sophisticated math. There are a couple of approaches that it most commonly takes. One involves working out the general form for an integral, then differentiating this form and solving equations to match undetermined symbolic parameters. Even for quite simple integrands, the equations generated in this way can be highly complex and require Mathematica's strong algebraic computation capabilities to solve. Another approach that Mathematica uses in working out integrals is to convert them to generalized hypergeometric functions, then use collections of relations about these highly general mathematical functions.

While these powerful algorithms give Wolfram|Alpha the ability to compute integrals very quickly and handle a wide array of special functions, understanding how a human would integrate is important too. As a result, Wolfram|Alpha also has algorithms to perform integrations step by step. These use completely different integration techniques that mimic the way humans would approach an integral. This includes integration by substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric substitution and integration by partial fractions.

Integral Calculator: Integrate with Wolfram|Alpha (2024)


What is the most accurate integral calculator? ›

Symbolab is the best integral calculator solving indefinite integrals, definite integrals, improper integrals, double integrals, triple integrals, multiple integrals, antiderivatives, and more.

Can Wolfram alpha solve any integral? ›

Wolfram|Alpha can compute indefinite and definite integrals of one or more variables, and can be used to explore plots, solutions and alternate representations of a wide variety of integrals.

What is the best calculator for integration and differentiation? ›

More than just an online integral solver

Wolfram|Alpha is a great tool for calculating antiderivatives and definite integrals, double and triple integrals, and improper integrals.

Does Mathematica solve integrals? ›

Differentiation and Integration

The algorithms in Mathematica cover all of the indefinite integrals in standard reference books such as Gradshteyn-Ryzhik. Definite integrals that involve no singularities are mostly done by taking limits of the indefinite integrals.

Is integration 100% accurate? ›

Not really. It depends upon how volatile the curve is. The more volatile the curve gets, the less accurate integration is. It is because the rectangles of width dx aren't consistent.

Is integral calculus harder than differential calculus? ›

Differentiation is typically quite easy, taking a fraction of a second. Integration typically takes much longer, if the process completes at all! The point? If integration seems hard - that's because it really is!

How accurate is Wolfram? ›

As long as the solution can be found in one of its databases and the query is asked correctly, Wolfram Alpha is effective, accurate, and dependable when you need an exact response.

Is Mathematica better than WolframAlpha? ›

It appears to have the full power of Mathematica in terms of processing but all input must be done via free form input cells. the only difference is the default style sheets the program uses to create a new notebook, the WolframAlphaNotebook.

Is WolframAlpha still being used? ›

WolframAlpha was used to power some searches in the Microsoft Bing and DuckDuckGo search engines but is no longer used to provide search results.

What is the most accurate integration method? ›

If the functions are known analytically instead of being tabulated at equally spaced intervals, the best numerical method of integration is called Gaussian quadrature. By picking the abscissas at which to evaluate the function, Gaussian quadrature produces the most accurate approximations possible.

Should I learn differential or integral first? ›

We know that while solving the integration questions, there is a wide application of derivatives. Hence, the differential calculus is taught before the integral calculus. Also, we can evaluate the indefinite integrals easily if we understand the concept of the differential calculus.

Is Calc 2 mostly integrals? ›

Calculus 2 typically focuses on integral calculus, including techniques of integration, applications of integrals (such as calculating volumes and work), sequences, series, and convergence tests.

What level of math is integrals? ›

Integration is one of the two major calculus topics in Mathematics, apart from differentiation(which measure the rate of change of any function with respect to its variables). It's a vast topic which is discussed at higher level classes like in Class 11 and 12.

Are there unsolvable integrals? ›

There exist many integrals that are impossible to solve directly, which is to say, their solution cannot be written as a finite composition of basic, well-known functions like addition, multiplication, sine, cosine, exponentiation, logarithms and so on.

Can Wolfram alpha solve double integrals? ›

Wolfram|Alpha is a great tool for calculating indefinite and definite double integrals. Compute volumes under surfaces, surface area and other types of two-dimensional integrals using Wolfram|Alpha's double integral calculator.

Which method gives more accurate value of an integral? ›

Both Simpson's Rule and Trapezoidal Rule give the approximation value, but Simpson's Rule results in even more accurate approximation value of the integrals.

What is the most precise calculator in the world? ›

SwissMicros - World's most precise RPN calculators.

Which Riemann sum is most accurate? ›

Midpoint rule

over the interval. This error is half of that of the trapezoidal sum; as such the middle Riemann sum is the most accurate approach to the Riemann sum.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.