N- at Edwards Arms. I TO HAVE A flip TRIAL. CONGREGATIONAL STANDING COM-MITTEETAK THE ONLY ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. WEEKLY NEWS FROM THE SURROUNDING TOWNS WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PRINTED IN DAILY EAGLE. lira- ftiutio Ataur, ntttr ot tho Uud QUlta ill and tai8 are fentertained that pnc-umoU may develop, Mr.
W. J. Cafricy. ilowly improving Jtroai ii dangerous of pneumonia, following pleutUy. Mis.
N. iZgbert Rathbun icturned from Hampton. Virginia, Wednesday of last week, accompanied by her four grandchildren." Mrs. Rathbun haa had a 'serious ill turn since her return home. Creal Barfi.tjion Anonymout Letter CV Stilt belor tht Public.
TRYINGHAM. SANDISFIELD. which, tho swtins was ajarr.c.L Tho advertised letter itat at tho lccrtj post cfflc are FratK Newton, Win iara Tanner. I. Crl3pU.
th -LilUr, hi.3 a taw improvement for shaving. Under hla treatment the heaviest beard can be shaved nearly us as down on youth's fate can be. Tender faces with heavy beards are shaved without pain and soon become hard and smooth under this treatment. A harmless lotion is first applied to the face, rubbed Into the beard, and wiped then lathered for shaving; then use razor with a perfected edge known only to the trade and the work is complete. The lotion used Is harmless and good for the complexion; will heal and beautify the skin.
This lotion ia not for sale at present. We invite a trial to ronrtnee the most skeptical ones. I. I). Crispell.
Arthur Jones has taken a position with C. W. Sprague and is at work on the tin roof of the Leman house. The Potter mine shut down Monday evening for a short time us there is quite a quantity of ore ahead. Ray Silvernail was made" happy Tuesday when presented by his father with a new Silver King James' S.
Mc.oie was in Albany on business GREAT HARRINGTON. From Tuesday's EafcMe. Since the Eagle undertook to ihow up the matter of the anonymous letter affair ia Great Barrlngton and bring under the searching light of publicity SPECIAL NOTICE. To the people of the town of ingham we offer the Weekly Eag new eub'scribers only, from now Tyr- to until is a an affair which, but for a fortunate cir July 1. U99.
for 60 cents. This special Inducement to get new sub- ecribwtrand the offer will expire July From Tuesday's Eagle. The Beverly Citizen has been sold to the Citizen Printing of which Charles A. Kfng Is manager. Mr.
King is at present editor and manager of the Berkshire Courier. Walter Eddy, son of Mrs. Eddy. try cook at the Berkshire Inn, belongs to the crew of the battleship Indiana, now with Sampson's fleet. Miss Nellie Kane returned Monday lylsit with relatives in "Brooklyn." 1, 1898.
The Eagle will contain news from Tyringham each week, beside that of 20 other town in Berkshire has 16 pages filled with county news exclusively. If you want the New York Weekly Tribune for one year add 25 cents to your remittance. 7 Remember this offer applies only to new subscribers living in Tyrlng-ham and expires July 1. lbOS. Address THE EAGLE, Pittsfield, Mass.
T. S. Heath, -tliei tumsiance would have forever remained in darkness, interest In the matter has Ltcome general. The 1 adieu in queation have token such a determined stand for themselves in the matter that the standing committee of the Congregational church haa determined at last to give the ladiea a church trial. A member of the church society told an Eagle representative (hU morning that it would take place Monday evening.
What the outcome will be is rather ditlicuit to foresee at present, but if Mrs Hopkins and her daughter are given justice, and a fair opportunity to vindicate ihennelvea before their to.vu: neople and the world, then, indeed, will tie object of these new tories rg the affair, be accomplished. The la lies mated to the representatives in the interview Sunday evening th nu.ltrl.il would take place tin lens Mr.Joyner.wan able to represent them. He has been ill for several days and un-abl to be at the ofilce much of the Shaker. miltv('um Saturday hooked an eel which Weighed four oouhds and two ouncTs. liiith says while he hooked hitn down at the dam he.
had! to lead' hina, 'down to where wa-tors the LliOises before he could land hi m. 'X The West llerkafcire union v.iil meet at CmtisviUe evening, May 20, of and expect tbsft lie v. Mr. iJurrill of tho rrip and is enld to ta Quite 111 the Elm wood hotel. Tho following yours ladles will graduate from lloufatotia hall ttls year- Ruth Alien Benedict, Lena Marsh Giddings, Laura Gidding Turner, Frances Cone Day, Ela May Schwartz and Mary Lola Lcgan.
A local trainer of trotting horses Ij endeavoring to lease the fair grounds for (he Bummer season. He intends to us the trac for drivlnj? purposes, and will have neveral trotting meetlngu during the season. Hope Flro company elected the following officers at their meeting Thursday niaht: Foreman. Jacob Ralfstan-ger: first assistant, U. C.
Fenn; second assistant, Edward Sabin; foreman of hose, Thomas Broderbk; cantaln hook and ladder company. W. C. secretary. Thomas Larkin; treasurer, L.
Ctorham. C. H. Kerncr of New York, paid a visit to his stock farm. Thursday.
Clothier Kf-arln Is to furnish tb new rubber for the hook and ladder company. John Supernaeph has returned bis home in Pittsfield after, a several days' vlr.lt with relatives. Mrs. C. A.
King visited Friday with friends in Springfield. George Kipp who has charge the nnmplng station at Green River, caught Friday an that weighed r.ine pounds. It measured nine inches in circumference and was the biggest ever seen in this plr.ee. Dr. J.
B. Bee'ee was cailed Mt. Washington to aHend a. laborer on the Albert Spurr's place who bad his leg broken and was otherwise Injured In a nnaway. The man's name cuitid r.ot be 'earned.
J. ABrewer recently received nn-)ther large stock of new wagons, imong them a handsome new op advertising go nr for the 1 1.ntha- onic Agricultural scciei- and a Moyevs ulvertiHintLbusgy orJhl-mstr-Ucrt are ery pvvtiytfMjvMijh at-ention at Sir. Bwr- eTfTitory. Dr. Dickie of fWcjokljiavvlil spend he summer in this paHta ving rented viral Kate Rice's on Castle areet.
Evans Brothers have begin the erec-ion of the. addition on' J. W. -Morgan's lailroad St. building.
Edw. Shaw, has the contract to build a brick house for the Burgct-Lew is company. The Epworth League of tbn M. E. buich elected the following btlicers at-i meeting held in the chapel on Fri-lay evening: President.
Miss Anna 'lulhert; first vice president. Elbert C. 'laves; second president'. Miss 'nclie E. Smith; third vice president.
Miss Ella Bailey; fourth vice president. Miss Minni Barnum.r' secretary. Miss I. G. Teti't; treasurer.
Miss Jar.ie Shear, connect Ion with the mee.ing a fine of re-x'tations and music was -endered. Mrs. L. returned Satur-lay to her rne iu after a iri' vK'-t her mo hi r. David I.
M.okie of New Yoik is at hist-tmntry ni'! iieo f-u- a short, visit. Miss- Annie Nolan 'of Piut-tield is in own as the gncst of relatives, MiS3 Vina cf Al jiny is tlfe ve-i of Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Fassett njn street, A' doubi" be'onrirm to Walter "i- buor if b-tt ytanding. -near ie Barriuqttin Cei.il company's 'life, f-'aairday afternoon, became i 1 brfore the driver could veac them lind r'artcd into a wild run. Clrivorack, N. to be f.ff arnt. Married ai.
Troy. X. ay 1 at Ida Terrace, lie home- itbf bride. Miss aiid Flank W. Patterson I': of West Stock bi il ''i i Potatoes tire i btisln 1 and batd Vr, i Market man Sp-ii er with laris his )u -There as atieiion t-nl.
eic. at the Dixon pi; by M. L. Liiiv.x, t.Z 'per-that price. as tt ee was hist.
of horst'St tee owned i'liesduy. Mr. anu u. m. ArKennurgn oi New York are in town for a several days' visit.
W. H. Healey received a letter a-few dnys ago from his brother John Healey. who belongs to Co. H.
New York Infantry, now stationed at Tampa Bay awaiting orders. He states that the' goldiers are in the best of health -nd enjoying themselves In camp, llea-Iey is a clerk to the captain of the company. I). W. Morrison ar.l children with several servants, arrived Monday from New York and are now at "Arrow "Mrs.
Morrison will remain in the city, for several days more. Miss Ethel Culver has' returned from a visit wi Mr. and Fox in Sheffield. Miss Mamie Finning Bridge port is the guest of h-r brother. Conductor Finning.
ev. 'Dr. 'Hartley left Monday fo Boston to attend the diocesan ronven opened today. Editor King returned Monday evening from Patrick Nalty of New York is horn-for visM of several days. Harry H.
Price' of Boston, has- take a' position ns prescription cl-rk i Whiting's drug Ftore. Nearly one hundred bicyclists 'ror this village attended the -first 1 -y concert of the season held Moipho evening in Ileinsatonic. The and p'a' r.d well and all their selections the patriotic airs were loudly ap plaudi'd. Leader Crijpen of th bar.d cannot say when the rcnn crt are to liectn here, as the hav n't practised much during tho and therefore are ponewhn George Blood captured a nice string of trout from the State Line brook one of which wc lgln one and one-fourth pounds. Edward-Powell of Co.
A l-Hh regiment of regulars, is his home in this village for a tew days his teim of enlistment having expired at Tampa a few days a-f. Kd has acain e't-listed in the 4th of Massachu-setts and has been 'assigned to duty nui roil licscon inrmir aiiu Hiram Ryder of New Boston haa bargained for the house and lot in Montvllle belonging to the estate of the late Hulda Smith. C. A. Claflln, administrator of the estate of the late Hulda Smith, haa sold a piece of land of about two acres belonging to the estate, and situated on what Is known as Cone- hill about two mileB south of Sandisfield Center, to benjamin Grtdley.
On this lot was' once the residence of the late Dr. Ira Smith. It ia said that while living there the doctor tried to build a flying: machine. He thought he got it to perfection, so the doctor with the machine, mounted the big beam In the large barn that stood near the house for the purpose of trying the machine. So oft he started, doctor, machine and all, but the machine didn't work worth a cent and down onto the barn floor thoy went all in a heap.
The doctor came out with a broken hip. The machine was just as good as when started. The doctor never tried it after that, but was a cripple through life. Administrator C. A.
Claflin sold the Adelbert J. Ives farm at auction, April HO, to Albert Kelsey of Colebrook, Ct. Mr. Kelsey held a mortgage on the farm for about 850 and bid it off for that amount. Dr.
Callender is a good fellow and a nice doctor with lots of practice, but for all of that he went into the fish business last week and the way he disposed of them right and left would have been a surprise to a fish stall in Fulton Market, N. Y. It showed the people in New Boston that if he should go out of practice he could go into the fish business sure. The way the doctor got his start In the fish business last week is best known to himself, but he did go up to East Otis to see a patient that was under his care and while there he got a big sack full of those big suckers. It weighed ISO pounds less one pound for sack.
The doctor started for home fish and all. Arriving in New Boston he commenced to distribute suckers and if every family in and about New Boston didn't have suckers for breakfast Sunday morning it was not the doctor's fault. O. C. Twining has bought a new horse of G.
W. Pruyn. W. C. Phelps has traded horses with-our West New Boston blacksmith.
Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter, who has rented the King blacksmith shop, is giving' good satisfaction and has lots of work. He will move his family here soon, and will occupy, the Crane house near the birch mill.
Mrs. A. Kkstrom of New York spent Sunday at her place on New Hartford road. Mr. Lewis of New York is occupying his Rock Clift place on Town hill.
He opened the house the second day of May. Mrs. James H. Rvder is quite sick. Mr.
Ryder and a Miss Wilcox thit lives with them (she is aunt of Mr. Ryder) is sick, but not as bad as Mrs. James H. Ryder. Just as we told yon last week, there has been another wedding in town.
Henry Jacobs and Miss Nettie Sage, adopted daughter of Josiah H. Sage, all of South Sandisfield, were married May We have one or two more promised for the near future. A. P. Eawrenee and family will spend the summer with Deacon Lewis O.
Sage, father of Mrs. Lawrence in Sandisfield. Our stage came up last week with Burt Collins as Jehu. The fellow that has driven or brought the mail bag up for the past two or three weeks, has retired. Some say he has gone to Cuba.
Rugg has been away most of last week selling butter. Mr. Rugg makes a-good manager for the creamery. Abram A. Ives and wile are staying with their, son, Truman W.
Ives, for a while at least. Fred Robinson has exchanged horses with T. W. Ives. Fred has now a grey horse to go with his big bay.
It makes a good team. Brother Fargo of Monterey, the potato asent, was in town last week as agent for a sprayer. C. A. Clanin was In Pittsfield last Fri- time, nut mere is no iouri mat lie will be in attendance, Monday evening the trial and look, to the best of his ability, to the Interests of his clients.
One fact bus been brought to light that until now has not played a very prominent part In this matter. That is the third party involved. And it appears to be the opinion that such a party exists and In due lime will be produced! Steps are being taken. to that end. which will doubtless be fruitful of results.
If in the ilrst place those Interested in tho affair had been making an earnest endeavor to bring about the apprehension of the guilty parties, in the opinion of many things might have been epiietly adjusted and the necessity of laying a body of invlviduals open to criticism, avoided. One gentleman suggested to the representative the other, night that the right course for Mr. Bliss to have taken Would have been to throw the letters in the fire immediately they were received and thus avoid any trouble. The ladies are quite certain that they can put their hands on the offending party when the proper time comes. They state' that one evening after a storm, one of them went out of doors and found a woman's track in the graved-walk.
There Is another which will doubtless have considerable weight the trial, whlch.it would be- injudicious just at this time to Kev. Mr. Bliss has in bis poJ-session all the letters, there were three -or four of them, and they are to be; produced the trial Monday evening One of the letters Is written in dog-geral verseand ia altogether toi laugh-, aide to be taken seriously for a moment. It begins "Mam and ISiib sing and pray While Dad's away." and so forth for considerable length. Another buiraests that the reverend gentleman allow his mother return to the father, who is janitor in a public building Worcester, ami he take unto himself wife, till another, letter, in tho estimation of these who will leave for there the latter pan of the week.
Ed told your reporter that they did not know nim-h about what was. on there as the peopie around' in di-i. Nw-parx a are tno; plenl Accounts Ciosrd. Miners' Savings. Bank of West Stoelibridg" today checks for the fourth and last dividend, of jier cent to ieing for the siirj lus the one hundred per cent hereioforei paid; and closiir; their, accounts handicapped to beirln ti tceapon'n io: -I i'c: so earlv.
o-se of bi 'Ward X.itccM is bouses at. the of I)r houses at the of Dressvr avenu- i. .......1 1 for tie ,1.. 101 The eagle spoken of in the last issue of the Pittsfield Eagle, is a proved fact, is alive and to all appearances hriving in captivity. The'-teacher oi the Sodom School, Miss Blanche Gar-Jield, saw the bird flying about while on her way hom*o to lunch, and told her fat hep at the dinner table.
'Mr. Wallace Garfield, who went out and set a trap beside the' body of a dead sheep which bad been killed in brook flowing through bis meadow. Covering the trap with dried grass he was successful in thus the bird which is a genuine bald eagle and the only one ever known or seen in the vicinity of Tyringham, Ho has provided, it with a cage in the loft of his tool house where it receives all visitors C. J. Steves of Great Harrington.
Mr. and Mrs. Olds of Pittsfield and Mrs. Esther Davis of South Lee were visitors to Tyringham this week. Two coach loads from 'Lee composed of high and.
grammar school girls and boys conducted by Violet M. Bigger and Maud L'angdon of Tyringham came to -town last, Saturday to visit and congratulate Miss Violet Bigger over an added year. After an afternoon of sociability, refreshments were served and the return trip was made in the young people voted unanimously that the-beauties -tand hospitality-. of Tyi ingham were far beyond all others 'in their experience. A neighboring minister bad invited a brother in the ministry to ua, and among other good things provided by the hostess was a dish of salmon.
While supper whs ia progress, the good wife thought to bring, out tie proficiency of young Herbert and him. for the. benefit of the visitor. "What did l)avid do with Solomon Herbert, with an eye on the dish responded, ''Put him in a tin can." It is needless to say, there no 'more Scripture lessons over the table- that evening. Mrs.
C. Ward and Miss Daisy Tinker have been away- visiting friends in l'itthfieid. and returned last Improvement si ill toes on at Mr. E. Slat'-r has undertaken to make two houses of one.
by parting the extension off Iris kitoln and' moving it f' or more to the Monterey load, where Dorman and Ira Brewer are going to transform it into a home for his workman. The Tyrimiham people have express-, eel their uppi ecia: ion of he reduet Ion in rates which so favors them, and will take advantage of it to. heroine, subscribers to the Pittsliehl Eauie. i A survey lias been ordered for state road from the Tyringham boun-: dary line to Lee and and Barnes of Pittsfield hasve be ordered to make it Nright awav. George iytedman.
a visitor in Tyriii-hamVfrom New York because of ill died Sunday night' at Hickory. It was his intention to take advantage of this climate, being a sufferer from consumption, but he was too late, the disease, had gained headway, which, nothing could overcome. He leaves- a widow and two children, who are. here and a sister hi Princeton, N. J.
The burial was announced for Tuesday afternoon from Hickory farm. -a STCCKDRIGG5. iv, ertii will League, give a i of Meihodi- ueial en i'ru i r.e of th liitne at tin The IV I 'O i iir- i.t the town voted at tireetirrt bnild. 'l en wood bt NewVYo: 1 paid a vis't. to ii- tle Egt-t mont rond, Monday.
Lou Ti of N. Y. arrested "bv Chief Piion, am this moi'ii'u' pb ad guilt to a charg f. drunk emiess. Spec iul Jctstic Wright who uresidc-d.
rep tested Trou tier to leave town. 1 Phillip Schreiber t. ft lodny fo Newhuu'h. N. luiving been sua.
mom there on ai-c-ourt of the sen. -it i illiif ss of Ins daughter, -Mrs, Mi- I Flannaiian. May 13, teet. a 1H 1 1 hurch rati dejwji Main street at top speed on the i parson a l1 el negational tiie acting my people, bu; before it- ani't'int of damage he wliieh struck on Uo'ss: ter street, was loin vorrt churc It by the pastor evenin: even ill' was U'v. Mr cf the Ciirii sei'viei- was- crfcigregalio a Ire ebiirrh, The il.
The usual 'shipped ieit: the Rev. the Method T. 11. E. ili C'lliii'i I'lLs I.
happy from hti I Nellie- Mulhall is th nwti'l if a new wheel, a (lift lie Ii.ercjc-s music 'i course on in (1 a line he Maine, with Hew C.X Hb'-li his owri people father. t- Kelly r. turned Wednes Xiiss Kate -i i ia tti a visit 4. 'nolle lirer.en. Abx 'Mitchell of Bit.tsf.eld visited )v-r Sitndnv with friends here.
Mi Delia Curt in of Winsted is the uest of lifr sister, -Mrs. P. H. Whalep. Jamfs Tibodnnlt.
of Sandisfield on a i of malicious mischief, conimit-ed in that place few weeks ago while trunk, paid the costs in the case, Satur-biv and was rcdeased. H. K. Pdoodaood of New York spent ind-iy liis country home; in New I 'M-! 'eorou eh. Mrs Lincoln Llccins and children of are in town visiting with -elatives.
with Pitts-Meld friend of S. Ay 'is '-expected 'to-pn Throiigh 'the e-; chairman nf tin-wh-o siiperintendi Elm hose Mrs. H. K. returri- (no-r -Mr.
and of seieet at lie honsi eil building th hose coni- iany No. 1. not only was for so year the belt that el on the old lay troni Netw i ot where id tht funeral of Mr. Bull'i- roail race between Lee and is lieirit; talked of anion! in the latter place. They to have it run May 14 if i they attend father, i A bicycle i llarriim-on tlie riders i would like have perused their contents, shows the hand- of a man too clearly to be mistaken.
This that possibly- Mr. HIihs has a sinecure, that his salary is lent to support father and son. Well at'ariy rate things are adjust-' inir themselves very nicely and the ladies may rest assured that, they have the-sympathy of a large majority of their townspeople. They have been told that they have no friend to take their part in this hour of need but those who have made the statement are in error. They have "lots, of them." They have an attornev who is a tighter and who acaib-my 'which stood on the which the hose building nov site upon s.
tips 1 wouiil lie satisfactory. Last a verv close race was won bv the LIST OF MEMBERS local men and they feel nnder.any circ*mstances will gee that justice is done. been placed the rteeple of llie hose house. 1ml also I lie same weather vane has been put in the spire. This vane made in IMS by the late Mason Van Deusen, father of the Messrs.
J. M. W. II. and Van Deusen, all of Stockbndue.
The vane now has the d.v.e of IMS and- 1.iS. No doubt but what there are many people living in town who do not know that the old academy (or as it was at hist called the old district school house)' is 'still dome duty as a double tenement house on Church lz now! belongs to Lawyer Choate and is usually octrTpTed repeat performance. Miss May Fassett has returned from a several tlayti. visit with friends in Stockbridge. Mr.
and Mrs. James Bird -who are in Washinstoh, D. C. will be. at theit home iu this village next week.
A sessir.n of the Probate court war held in his pl-n-e Wednesday with Judge Sloctim of Pittsfield on the bench and but little "business was done. Tin; hearing on the pe-itjons to sue the-bond of executors of the estate of Albert W. Curtiss of Shetlield wilbtake place in Pittsfield. 7. Petitions for LANES30RO.
by one or two of the fariitiieiof the men employed on the Chcate rospect the sick day. Lafayette Proper has been on hill summer place. B. F. Barker has bough the late Frederick Burgliardt rrfy in'Cur- tisville.
DIDN'T APPOINT A COLLECTOR. Great Barrington Fire Dis'rict Inconvenienced by an Oversight." From' Tuesday's Eagle. There is a matter" which has proved something of anf enigma to the residents of Great Barrington and has just come to light through the recent introduction in the legislature of a billthrough the town's representa-tivey Mr. Mellen. 'AVlien the fire district' was formed 'these having the matter in charge neglected to appoint a collector to "gather in" i he asaefi'smenj-ii on sewers and sidewalks.
That technicality liad been overlookedvw as not dreamed of until six weeks ago. when it was discovered that an omission bad occurred. At that time an attempt was made to tax those benefited by the sewer, insolvency proceedings against i Healey were dismissed as. the creditor? rhave been settled with. The second meeting of the creditors of Geortre A and Mary G.
Tuliar -will be held in Pittsfield. June 7. Several claims were proven against Albert M. Dowd ofMon-j terey and insolvent debtor and Lawyer Giddings was appointed assicnee. A list for a few days.
Frank M. Rugg has sold his Cornwall colt to H. C. Phelps of Lee. George Crocker's barn, situated in West New Boston, was.
burned to the "round vesterday morning. Sage, a near was the first one to see the fire as it was bursting out of the roof. He had hitched up his horses to go to 'work. Imt ms.ead Mjss Jessie- Hamilton, accompanied, by her friend. Miss Clara E.
Pi'x-ley, passed last Sunday in Great Bar-rington the guest of Miss Holmes. Misses Hamilton and Pixley are two of members of the Ladies' Choruj W'ho so recently gavea very successful ronee rt a a ve i ce become in 4 heirs' of the Congregational churcli' The first annual concert ejf the Lanos boro cornet band. whichwas given last Thursday evening wasa decided success despite the inrle-meny of the weather and reflected much credit to the band and to those who ably assisted them. The members eif the band extend a vote of thanks, notmly to those who assisted them, but tohe public. -who so liberally patronized them.
The band will realize a ncaK sum for their treasury will go toward -'paying for new uniforms, which they purchased some time ago and which have now arrived. The tirst quarterly meeting- of the M. E. church was held at -the parsonage and Was presided over by Presiding Elder T. A.
Griflin. L. B. Gunn has moved into his new-house. -which has just be en completed.
them towards iew ijum.u... he ran fire at the top'oi ins o.n-. shouting chc) was at work at Mr. Crocker 01 the National Volunteer Reserve Recently Organized at Lee. From Tuesday's Eaale.
The National Volunteer Reserve re-ently organized at Lee, ha3 had excel- success in securing a strong mora- ersbip. The entire town is thoroughly and the various meetings held the members of this organization av been enthusiastic' Many new neiiibers are CNpected to join this week tud Captain Shannon will be at the ele ct men's rooms Friday, and Saturday veilings for that purpose The following is a list of volunteers eif ived up to date: George L. Abbott, I-'rank J. Bndrow, Harry H. Bifthop.
H. Brace, William Badrow, George M. Brace, Patricius H. Casey, lohn .1. Carty.
William II. Clark, John 1. Ca-cy. Andrew H. Dur.c'an.
Jarries Dunnimr. George M. Duranf- George E. Daly. Frank H.
Doolittle. Richard tyre. Mic hael Fleming, James Fee-'ev, Robert 11. 'William B. 'e.
ley, Wiltard 1 1. Fisher, Michael H. lalviii, Timothy F. Calvin, Henry N. lorton, Phillip A.
Hollenbeck, Newton Heath, John P. Hayden, Robert H. iayden. John R. ItilT.
Charles D. Mawks. John Jaynes. Thomas Ke rr, Thomas Kerr Thomas J. Aiib-lea.
'William-L Jacob H. Leroy, Thomas Henry B. May, John E. Moore, 1 tennis F. Norton, F.ilwin D.
Noone-y, Charbs H. Pease, William Andrew Simad-T, A. V. Shannon! William W. Sargood.
Charles Small. 'George W. Snimpf. Henry Sires. John Tarmey, Charles II.
W. Wild. PiMsficld Recruit Accepted. From Saturday's X'ews was here this morn-zin'j that Herbert the only young man from this city to entir-t with Co. of Adam--, before departing-for tb- 'it'- c.in.p nt Sout Framinir-lum.
passed a xpeiU'nce a a memler of the Natioutd nt Chicago will not lost. Ha-rar of' Daltcn pass.eiK a satisfactory CdK Marcus P. Miller of the artillery, who has been jdaced in full charge of the clef en so of the harbor of San Francisco, California. is a. former Sln'ckli'ridgV boy.
an only ehild cf the late MarctisX L. Miller of Klin street. hearing, was given on the account of Mrs. George Hurtiss as executor of th" will of Mary E. Jones of A 1 ford in which Lawyer Joyn' appeared for Mrs.
Burtiss and Lawyer Giddings for Jeannctte It Stoddard. Messrs. M. Gibbs and Harry Len-vitt toek two line baskets. ef troot from the stream Wednesday.
The tish averaged about a pound each. Mrs. Henry Cnr-hins left -Thursday for a visit in Albruiy, N. Y. Lawyer H.
C. Joyner is confined to the house vh a severe attark of grip. Max Feblblnm of the New York clothing store is in the city on busi- and which presents a very neat and q-p rolotie'l seceivrd his early educa i tion here in' Stockbridce, first" in the S. B. Northrup, whe has been in.
the schoolsXand then in Williams Clark's saw mills lie is the engine. They stopped the mill ana all hands ran to the fire, three-quarters of a mile. At this time theygot together some 12 or lo men. I bey went to work to save the house. It seemed as though the house must go.
but wtn a vim thoy all worked putting on water that had to be brought from the river up a steep bank some ten rods. At the same time the ladies were-at. work Kitting the things out of the house and at 9 o'clock a. m. the barn was all and the house was safe It 1' loss to Mr.
and Mrs. Croeker How it took fire is a mystery, yet have our sympathy. n. cumiis ji i isuem, at the tXme the late B. when It was discovered that nobody, bad been authorized to collect the taxes, whic ran from to C0.
There was consi'dc Table fault found with the levy, principally, for the reason that tbn taxes were said to be excessive and unequal. The commissioners had power to levy the tax but they could not collect them. An effort was immediately made to remedy tho oversight. Representative Mellon introduced a bill in the legislature under a mispension of rub's and employ ejf I-is sjnoving house. lmo utt) i-arcion iseicner i Canning, was the Very popular principal '-'of the acad-niVN.
Col. Miller is a graduate from Wesr Voiut. having re- WEST STOGKBRIDGE. reieu ion a t'l'-'1 'o iren i iiil iii.iiiuij rK-t: academy from Stoekbridge. Gibbons is able to be out after Several new- telephones have been ta' week's sickness-with -crip put in to connect with theNStockbridge i A.
Miller of New York 'was the exchange in the Pratt block. The ex- Thursdav- of Hneb i.eri,iin 111, it (Mil- ifrii'ii-. iiit- iiiaiiiu'- cfjmmittee. It asks for authority to rol- a I. .1 i change is now io be kept open until 10 Edi or King of the Courier left NOTICE.
Augusta Ken-bed and board or provocation. Whereas wife, nerson has left without just cause Michael Owen has finished painting Howard Hastings' residence and is at work painting John Finnegan's new-fence. At, the special town meeting Monday the commute on the poor farm wwe given full power to buy or rent a farm in connection with Richmond Sco*ckbridge. Lenox or any other town and the selectmen as overseers of poor were added to the committee. E.
J. Toby was elected assessor in place of W. I). Fields, resigned, and an appropriation of $00 for the miscellaneous account was leci iop i hw inai.icr HUB umi inn- cussed to some extent" hut until now has not found its way into print. Condon Was Found Not Guilty.
Dennis Condon was found not guilty in th" District court this morning on a charge of assaultine bis sister and was discharged. Th1 warrant was fwrrn out seme -time aim and the evidence went to show that there was occasion for It whatever. Condon's father was the complainant. p. m.
and on Sunday the officewiti be opened from 9 to 10 a. m. and from 5 to ii p. m. i The meat market of V.
X. Buck now has telephone. Mrs. Marshnll Warner of South street, Pjtfsnebl. is in town, tbn guest of let- sister.
Tliorcas Wells, and. daughters on Church street. Mrs. GeoreeC. Thomns, formerly Miss Ada Canning, -aith her little daughter.
Dorothy C. Cauning, of East i from' har- i rnridil all nersons Thursdays for a visit at his former home in Beverly. Frederick Darlington left Thursday for a business trip to New York. The wire wh-ich the laptre fine- across tain s'reet, broce Thursday eyenir'T and se veral men. whox took hold of the broken wire, received slight shocks.
railroad street block. E. II. Dewey Uie butcher, vlctiai boring or trusting her. on account as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
M1LO KENNERSON Sandisfield. May 6, 1898..