Town government
Town Hall, 33 Geremonty Drive, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 603-890-2000 to receive numbers for all town offices. Town Manager Henry LaBranch; Town Clerk Barbara M. Lessard; Community Development Director William Scott; Planning Director Ross A. Moldoff; Finance Director Jane Savastano.
On the Web:
Green spaces: Michele Memorial Park on Lawrence Road, next to Mary Queen of Peace Church, 200 Lawrence Road, features three athletic fields, tennis courts, a soccer field, swing set and picnic tables. Parking is limited.
The Town Forest, 235 acres of woods owned by the town, has walking or cross-country skiing trails, horseback riding and limited hunting (bow and arrow and muzzle loader) during the season, with permit. The forest is off Hitty Road, accessible from Route 111 across from Shadow Lake. Parking available.
Hedgehog Park, on Lowell Road (Route 38) in the southwest corner of town, is a town-owned park open during the summer for swimming, fishing, picnicking and playing on the playground. Swimming passes are required. Day passes ($2) for residents may be obtained at the park. All others must go to the Salem Recreation Department at the Town Hall for pass information. Residents' season's pass is $25 for a family of three or more.
Field of Dreams, on Geremonty Drive across from Salem District Court, is run by a nonprofit board of directors offering a volleyball court, extensive jungle gyms, picnic tables, swings, a small stage, forest paths and lots of green grass.
Canobie Lake is open for canoes; motorboats are prohibited. Canoeists can launch boats from the gravel parking lot outside the water treatment plant on North Policy Street. Fishing is allowed. Swimming is prohibited.
Abanaki Park is tucked in behind Salem District Court off Geremonty Drive. A large gray rock marks the beginning of a walking trail leading into the woods in the shade of 50-year-old pine trees. No parking is allowed behind the court.
Paying taxes: The 2005 tax rate is $22.06 per $1,000 assessed valuation. 58 percent valuation rate. Taxes are due July 1 and Dec. 1. The state sets the town tax rate for 2006 in the fall, when valuation rates will change.
Recycling: The town has no curbside trash pickup. Residents who do not have private trash haulers can bring their garbage to the town transfer station on Shannon Road. Residents must get a transfer station permit at the Town Clerk's office in Town Hall each year. Costing $10 each, stickers expire at the end of March. Newspaper, glass and metal must be separated from the garbage. The station is open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
To register a dog: Residents must bring a rabies certificate and a spaying or neutering certificate to the Town Clerk's office in the Municipal Office Building, lower level. A license costs $6.50 if a dog is spayed or neutered; $9 if it is not. Senior citizens pay $2 for their first dog.
Voting: Under a charter approved by voters in 1997, Salem has a form of government including open town meeting with selectmen serving as the head elected body. Town business is conducted with a three-part process. An initial open session is held between the first and second Saturday following the last Monday in January. Big-ticket items, such as the budget and bond items, are discussed and amended. On the second Tuesday of March those issues, as well as collective-bargaining agreements and other issues, are voted on in the ballot box. A final open session, to make decisions on items not on the ballot, is held the Saturday after the election.
The school district, which operates under the ballot law, decides all school spending at the ballot box. A deliberative session for discussion and amendments is held prior to it.
Voters may register at the Town Clerk's office weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m, until 10 days prior to an election. Registration also occurs on Election Day. Polls are located at Fisk, Foule, Barron, Lancaster and North Salem schools and Town Hall.
To report a pothole: Call the Public Works Department on Cross Street at 603-890-2150 weekdays.
In emergencies: Ambulance, fire, police and rescue services, 911; New Hampshire Poison Control, 1-800-562-8236; State Police, 1-800-525-5555.
Police Chief Paul Donovan, 603-893-1911; Fire Chief Kevin J. Breen, 603-890-2200.
The Salem Police station is on Veterans Memorial Parkway, less than 100 yards east of the intersection of South Broadway (Route 28) and Rockingham Park Boulevard.
Salem's central fire station is at 152 Main St., approximately 200 yards east of the intersection of Route 28 and Main Street. Sub-stations are located on Lawrence Road and North Main Street.
Library: Kelley Library, 234 Main St., Director Eleanor Strang, 603-898-7064. Open weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fall book discussion series begins the fourth Wednesday in September. Call for details.
Animal problems: Animal Control Officer Kelley Demers, 603-890-2390. Office hours, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Police Department answers calls on nights and weekends for emergencies.
Salem Animal Rescue League, 4 SARL Drive, 603-890-2166. This nonprofit, volunteer organization cares for abandoned cats and dogs and tries to find people to adopt the animals. The league is always looking for volunteers to help care for the cats and dogs at the shelter behind Baron's Appliances on South Broadway. On the Web:
Helping the mentally challenged: The Salem ARC and Debbie Voter Center, 8 Centerville Drive, 603-893-9889, runs various activities and programs as well as provides advocacy and support for mentally challenged people and their families.
Recreation: Recreation Department, Town Hall, 33 Geremonty Drive,603-890-2140. Sports programs and field trips for youths and adults; programs and community events such as the fishing derby and Halloween party at the high school.
Activities for children: Kelley Library, 603-898-7064. Children's summer reading program for all ages. Drop-in story hours for ages 3 to 6 held Tuesday at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Friday at 10 a.m. No registration required. The elementary school reading program offers prizes to children for the number of books they read. The Afternoon Club, a discussion group for elementary school-age children. Fall story hour for ages 2 to 6 requires registration. Time and day for fall drop-in story hour (no registration) to be decided. For information contact the Children's Room. Contact library for details. On the Web:
Salem Boys and Girls Club, 3 Geremonty Drive, 603-898-7709. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, and field trips.Nursery, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs. The club has been renovated and expanded. On the Web:
For senior citizens: Salem Senior Services, 1 Sally Sweet's Way, off Veterans Parkway, 603-890-2190. Recreational, social and cultural and exercise programs; transportation to the center for people over 60, shopping areas and medical appointments.
Greater Salem Caregivers, 287 Lawrence Road, 603-898-2850. Assistance for the elderly and disabled, rides to medical appointments, in-home visits, help with shopping and provide respite care. The group welcomes volunteers.
Business association: Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, 224 N. Broadway, 603-893-3177. Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nanci Carney, chairman of the board of directors; Donna Morris, executive director.
Rockingham County Community Action Program, 287 Lawrence Road, 603-893-9172. Food pantry, fuel and electric assistance, crisis intervention and outreach program. Referral services.
Human Services Department, 287 Lawrence Road, 603-890-2130. Assistance for Salem residents only includes temporary emergency assistance for rent, food, heat and utilities, shelter and other necessities. Robert P. Loranger, administrator.
Finding child care: Salem Family Resources/Success By 6, 603-898-5493. Information, programs and activities to help families meet the physical, social, emotional and educational needs of their young children. Resource and referral, parenting and play groups, parenting library, parent/caregiver workshops, babysitter training and support groups.
Adult education: The School for Continuing Education, at Salem High School, 603-893-7074. Academic, enrichment and vocational courses for the adult learner, including the Adult High School Diploma Program, the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and pre-GED preparation, English For Speakers of Other Languages and programs for adults with developmental disabilities. Official GED test scheduled monthly. Noncredit courses include American Sign Language, computer basics, fitness and leisure activities.
On the Web:
School district office, on Geremonty Drive at the rear of Salem High's parking lot. Superintendent Michael Delahanty, 603-893-7040.
Salem High, Geremonty Drive, Principal William Hagen, 603-893-7069.
Woodbury Middle School, 206 Main St., Principal Maura Palmer, 603-893-7055.
William T. Barron Elementary School, 55 Butler St., Principal Anthony M. DiNardo, 603-893-7067.
Mary A. Fisk Elementary School, 14 Main St., Principal Susan Rhodes, 603-893-7051.
Walter F. Haigh Elementary School, 24 School St., Principal Gail Rowe, 603-893-7064.
William E. Lancaster Elementary School, 54 Millville St., Principal Adam Pagliarulo, 603-893-7059.
North Salem School, 140 Zion Hill Road, Principal Pauline Richard, 603-893-7062.
Dr. Lewis F. Soule School, 173 S. Policy St., 603-893-7053.
St. Joseph Regional School, 40 Main St., Principal Pauline A. Boulanger, 603-893-6811.
Salem Christian School, 101 School St., Principal Tony Long, 603-893-4289.
Granite State Christian School, 1 Sandhill Road, 603-893-0898, School Administrator Tammy Gallagher.
Assembly of God: Grace Assembly of God, 199 Zion Hill Road, 603-898-1650, the Rev. Ernest Abdelnour. Sunday school for all ages, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study, 7 p.m. Youth meeting, Friday at 7 p.m.
Baptist: First Baptist Church, 101 School St., 603-893-9191, Interim pastor is the Rev. William Swilling. Summertime Sunday service, 9:30 a.m.; no Sunday school. Starting in September, Sunday school at 9 a.m., service at 10:15 a.m.
Granite State Baptist Church, 1 Sand Hill Road, 603-893-4065, Pastor Anthony Milas. Sunday services at 9:30 and 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Youth service, Sunday, 5 to 8 p.m.
Bible: Salem Bible Church, 11 Ermer Road, 603-898-4258, Pastor James Delaney. Sunday services, 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday school, 9:15 a.m.
Mary Queen of Peace, 200 Lawrence Road, 603-893-8661, the Rev. Paul S. Ruzzo. Masses held Saturday, 4 p.m.; Sunday, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.
St. Joseph Church, 40 Main St., 603-898-4933, the Rev. John Michalowksi. Masses held Saturday at 4 p.m., Sunday at 7:30, 9 and 11 a.m. Mass Monday to Saturday, 7:15 a.m.; Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Ararat Armenian Congregational Church, 2 Salem St., 603-898-7042. Rev. Ara Heghinian. Sunday service 10:30 a.m. year round. Sunday school, 10:30 a.m., except July.
First Congregational Church, 15 Lawrence Road, 603-893-3421. Family Summer Worship at 7 p.m. Starting September, services and church school are Sunday at 10 a.m.
Episcopal: St. David Episcopal Church, 231 Main St., 603-893-0342, the Rev. Carolyn Stevenson, pastor. Sunday service, 8 and 10 a.m. Sunday school, 10 a.m. except for July and August.
Lutheran: Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church, 171 Zion Hill Road, 603-893-0305, the Rev. David Yasenka. Summer Sunday service, 9 a.m. Starting in the fall, services at 8:30 and 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.
North Salem United Methodist Church, 389 N. Main St., 603-890-4985, Pastor Jan Parke. Pre-school, 603-898-8228. Sunday worship service and Sunday school, 9 a.m.
Pleasant Street United Methodist: 8 Pleasant St., 603-898-2501, Pastor Rev. Meredith Brown. Worship service and Sunday school, 9 a.m.
Tenney Memorial United Methodist Church, 290 Main St., 603-898-2785, Worship service and Sunday school, 11 a.m.